The registered manager interview with the CQC has to be performed by anybody looking to manage a regulated service. It is generally the 'final hurdle' to be completed before getting approval from the CQC, and takes place after the CQC have processed your application (a process that usually takes around 8-12 weeks).
The goal for the CQC here isn't to test or score you, it is to give the commissioner a feel that you have the relevant experience, qualifications and managerial aptitude to run the service that is being proposed.
You will be notified in advance of your interview, usually a week or two before, giving you extra time to make sure you are completely on top of things you are likely to be questioned on. The interview generally will last around two hours, although there is no hard and fast rule on this, and the CQC would advise to set aside three to five hours to conduct it. You may be asked to attend a CQC regional office, however in the post-pandemic world more often these interviews are being carried out remotely.
Applicants are likely to be asked about;
-Relevant experience within the care sector
-health and social care qualifications they hold
-What motivations the manager has to run the service
-Any managerial experience that the candidate has (and what they might be doing to remedy a lack of experience (for example a level 5 leadership and management qualification)
-Information more broadly around how the service will be run, covering HR/ health and safety data protection/ safeguarding
It's important to note that the above is not an exhaustive list, and the CQC can ask for any information they deem relevant and reasonable.
What to bring and brush up on!
There are a few things that it's worth having on hand at the time of your interview, one of which is your statement of purpose, as well as some more wide ranging information on the fundamental standards. It's also worth getting to grips with the registered manager guidance through the CQC's website.
You will need a good understanding of the compliance documents that will have formed part of your application form, as well as some of the policies that will be fundamental to running the service such as staff training/ safeguarding/ health and safety/ governance/ medication. Don't panic though! You won't need to know these documents and the corresponding legislation word for word, and as part of the qualifications held by people applying for a registered managers role, one would generally be able to demonstrate a good working knowledge across these processes.
The applicant will then receive their notification of the CQC decision fairly swiftly, typically within two weeks. In the case of a successful application, this will be in the form of a Notice of Proposal to Register (this can be with conditions). An unsuccessful application would receive a formal notification, usually a Notice of Proposal to Refuse Registration, although this can be appealed and taken further.
To take the stress out of registration, including supporting your interview process, why not get in touch!